Rovex / Triang / Hornby OO Gauge Princess Royal Class 1st Generation

Rovex / Triang / Hornby OO Gauge Princess Royal Class 1st Generation

Initially launched by Rovex, and launched in Marks and Spencers just in time for Christmas 1950.   Various improvements were made over the years of production and under the brands of Rovex, Triang and eventually sold under the Triang / Hornby banner.  The model housed an X03 motor in the locomotive but wasn’t considered a scale model due to the shorter body length.

Produced from 1950 to 1974, and in kit form as R386, later models (R258AS) featuring advanced features such as chuffing sound effects from the tender and even a smoke generator, as illustrated.

Hornby R258 – 6201 Princess Royal Class Locomotive – Princess Elizabeth

Triang R53 – 46201 Class 7P Locomotive – Princess Elizabeth BR Green

Triang R53 – 46201 Class 8P Locomotive – Princess Elizabeth BR Green (Improved model)

Triang R50 – 46201 Class 7P Locomotive – Princess Elizabeth BR Black